Smart Investing Versus Following The Media

Without a doubt, this last month has been full of surprises with the presidential election, and not just politically. Just as most political pundits predicted a Hillary Clinton victory, a swath of economic commentators said that a surprise Donald Trump win would cause...

Some Myths in Investing You Should Probably Ignore

Investing can be a confusing enough topic to the average layperson. However, the prevalence of myths in the space makes it appear more unclear and puzzling than ever.  With that conundrum in mind, we wanted to dispel some of the biggest myths in investing before they...

How to Invest Like a Millionaire

If you want to invest like a millionaire, here’s the good news: There are no top-secret action plans needed. When you figure out their investing recipe, you’ll find out the habits that helped millionaires achieve their status are actually quite simple simple. Here are...