3 Proven Ways to Boost Your Retirement Income
There are countless numbers of seniors who struggle financially with their retirement income; even if they’ve prepared beforehand. That doesn’t mean you have to be one of...
Should You Try to Time The Stock Market?
Market timing is the act of moving wealth in and out of the stock market with the goal of gaining higher profits and avoiding losses. And it’s possibly one of the most...
1 Suprising Cognitive Bias You Should Avoid in Investing
When it comes to investing, I’ve already spoken about the dangers of becoming overconfident. When your investments are doing well, it’s easy to develop hubris in your...
3 Emotional Biases to Avoid in Investing
Emotions can play a major role in your investing success. Its human nature to have feelings heavily influence your decision-making, especially when your hard-earned wealth...
What Are Municipal Bonds, And Why Should You Consider Them?
If your goal is to invest in a well-diversified portfolio, you may want to consider adding municipal bonds into the mix. Even if you're already investing in fixed income,...
How Large Should Your Nest Egg be For Retirement?
When it comes to retirement, a number that’s probably of great concern to you is the size of your nest egg. Since your savings become your paycheck for the rest of your life...
Should You Invest Globally?
If you have a diverse investment portfolio of domestic stocks, bonds, and even hard assets or other classes, you’re off to an excellent start for retirement or growing your...
Should You Invest in Individual Stocks or Diversify?
The news is often filled with headlines about one stock price skyrocketing, and how all the signs pointed to its “surefire” success. When hearing about a stock’s recent high...
3 Costly Retirement Mistakes You Should Avoid
While you can learn from your mistakes, it will be a very expensive financial lesson if those snafus affect your retirement. When you’re young and you make an investing...
How to Invest For Beginners: Some Smart Tips
If you’re a novice investor, Wall Street certainly can make getting started intimidating. Most of the jargon and investing terms thrown around can even make an experienced...
3 Smart Questions to Ask Your Financial Advisor
After a while, every financial advisor starts to sound the same on paper. Sorting through all the advisors out there to find the right one for your investment needs can be...
Retiring as a Couple: 3 Smart Tips
Besides all the romantic benefits, another great part of being a couple is that you can use the power of teamwork to reach your financial goals. However, recent studies have...